Tuesday, June 17, 2008

McKenna's Tubes

McKenna went to Nationwide Children's Hospital today to get tubes put in her ears. This is her right before we left to go to the hospital.She was in a good mood most of the time. We waited in the room for a while after they took vitals.

McKenna had to change into comfy jammies. She looked so cute and thought it was funny that she had to wear no underwear with the jammies.

So cute!!!

She fell asleep on me after waiting an hour. About 10 minutes after she fell asleep they came to get her so it was then that she became a bit grouchy.
When it was time to leave her, she fussed just a bit and I did not hear any crying all they way down the hall.

When she got back to the room I kept telling her that she went to sleep but she insists that she didn't.
They let her pick a scent to smell while getting the laughing gas and she picked strawberry.
She did so good and has no idea what happened even though I try to tell her.

She got to have an orange popscicle after!


the4bulls said...

What a brave little girl - and what a BRAVE mommy too! Good job Mom!

Ashli said...

I'm glad to hear that everything went well!

Sarah Walton said...

She Does look cute in those little yellow scrubs! good job McKenna!

Jill said...

Ohhh McKenna-so cute in your yellow jammies. Sounds like she did really good; didn't even know what happened!

Andrew and Trena said...

cute lil mckenna....i didnt hear what happened either???