Saturday, July 5, 2008

****Happy 4th of July****

Well, we started out our day going to the Hilliard City Parade. The more we watched, the more it rained. We still had a good time and the girls were happy to get candy.

Later in the day we went to some friends house and had a BBQ. The kids played and ate while Camille played and ate DIRT!

Camille started to really like the trampoline.

On to Frank's Park where we set up camp and waited for the fireworks!
The kids did sparklers and smoke bombs!

This picture is just showing how GREAT our camera is. I think it is time for a new one.
( I guess it is hard to take a picture of fireworks.)


Andrew and Trena said...

holla! looks like fun! paul and laura and parker are here for the fourth....we will post tomorrow probably...camille is getting big!

Sarah Walton said...

Angie! It is definitely time for a new camera! Although you're right, they do look better on the computer than they did on the camera itself:) I think you guys had a way better view at Franks.

Andrew and Trena said...

hey...i think it is the same place....they have one in rexburg, idaho falls and here in Pocatello. The one here just opened in April. We have been to the Rexburg one and Tim told us that it used to be different up there and not be a buffet but now it is. holla! it is gooood!

Laura said...

I can't believe that Camille is getting so old! It looks like a fun 4th of July!

JoEllen said...

So fun! I miss back in the day when we would watch fireworks in the cemetery and play games with your fam until they started....those were the good days =)