Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The sick house!

Since my last post we have been SICK! I don't know who started it but I am hoping McKenna will finish it up. She was already sick with a cold and a small cough but now it is strep throat and Canker Sores. The only thing she will eat are popsicles!! Even those hurt her mouth. Her and I barely slept last night. Here she is today on the couch in pain.


Anonymous said...

awwww..... poor thing. I'm so sorry you guys have been sick. Do you need anything?

Mary said...

Oh no! Good thing spring is on its way. Feel better soon.

Three Peas said...

i feel your pain...we have been sick for THREE weeks on and off. just when i thought we were better last week, it struck again. ick.

Jen said...

What is the deal with the sickness stuff going around? It seems like everyone's got it! We've been battling it in our house, too. Hope it leaves your family soon (and doesn't pay another visit anytime soon).

malinda and lance said...

Hi Angie! Your poor sick house, I hope you are all better. I am so happy to see your blog and your adorable kids. I have thought of you and wondered how you all have been. Cory has to be almost done with his residency, right? I hope it is going well.
I know this is a shock, I have entered the blog world and started my own blog. You will have to check it out. I added you as one of my blogging friends. We just had a baby boy last week. Keep in touch! Malinda