Wednesday, February 13, 2008


You know you are tagged if you are reading this.

What is your spouse's name? Cory Christopher Glen Christensen

How long have you been together? I have known him since I was 12 I guess, but didn't really talk to each other until I was about 19. He is 3 years younger than me so why would I? haha. We didn't start dating until I was 25. We were married on May 12, 2001 in the Los Angeles Temple.

Who eats more? That is a hard one....I LOVE food and treats. He eats a lot but not a ton. He really loves GOOD food and is a super good cook.

Who said 'I Love You' first? I said I love you first. I just couldn't stand it anymore. I felt like it was testimony meeting and I just HAD to because my heart was beating so hard and fast. I told him he didn't have to say it just because I did. He paused for a moment and then told me he loved me too.

Who is taller? Cory

Who is smarter? Cory is super smart, so is his whole family.

Who does the laundry? I do.

Who does the dishes? We both do. He is such a good helper with everything!

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Cory does and always has.

Who pays the bills? I pay everything. I figure it is one less thing for him to worry about. He knows about all of the bills but I pay them.

Who mows the lawn? Cory

Who cooks dinner? I do most of the time. He would like to if he could try new things and had more TIME. He loves it. Whatever he throws together turns out good.

Who drives when you are together? Usually Cory.

Who is more stubborn? I am!

Who kissed who first? You know, I think he kissed me. It felt like a mutual thing but I am sure he did it. We had what I consider our first date, held hands, and kissed all in the same night. I thought I was dreaming.

Who proposed? Cory. I was teaching 1st grade at the time. He showed up at my classroom and started handing out ring pops to all of the kids. I knew right away what was going on so I asked where mine was. He ignored me until he had passed them all out and then pulled the real ring out of his pocket and got on his knee and asked me to marry him with all of the kids standing around. He kissed me and the kids LOVED it!

Who has more siblings? I do...5 brothers, 3 sisters. He has 3 brothers and 2 sisters.

Who wears the pants? I'd say we try to keep it even.

What do you LOVE about your husband?
I have got to have the best husband ever. He is a super DAD and loves his girls SO much.(that includes me) He is such a hard worker and will do anything and everything for his family. I love how much he loves the gospel. Before we started to date, one of the things I loved about him is that he was so funny. He says I don't laugh at his jokes anymore but I still think he is funny. As long as I can remember I have always wanted the best for him because he is a great person and always tries to do what is right. He deserves the best and the girls and I try our best to give it to him. I love you Cory!


Mary said...

I love Cory's proposal. So romantic!

Andrew and Trena said...
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Andrew and Trena said...

Awww....How precious!

The Murdocks said...

That was so cute. I had never heard your story.
I tagged you. Just look at my blog, but you can wait if you want since you just did a tag, it's up to you.

Dave Jorgensen said...

Hey Ang and Cory. It was fun to read your blog. Hope all is well, it was fun to see the family, but where is Mark's blog?