Thursday, May 28, 2009

Cameron Richard Glen Christensen

Monday, May 25, 2009
10:50 AM
9lbs. 9oz.

The girls cannot get enough of their new brother.

Here is how I found them this morning while finishing their breakfast. They had to be right next to him.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Just an update

Well, I know the baby will not be sleeping in his own room for at least a month but I wanted to get Camille settled in her new little bed. She has been sleeping in it for 3 nights now and has been doing relatively well. Even though she says "scared" and gets out a few times, she eventually falls asleep within an hour and stays all night.
Naps have been good too. We shut the door and she has nobody to talk to so she pretty much goes to sleep. All of the girls are in the same room and it seems to be going ok.

This was our babysitting swap on Saturday night. It was our turn. One family moved away so we just have 7 girls right now. I could not fit the 7th in the picture. This was snack time and Barney! It lasted 30 minutes.

The girls always want to put on their gymnastics suits and play in the living room. Camille is not in gymnastics yet but she puts on McKenna's and copies everything they do.